Our Curriculum is tailored to blend head, heart and hand as we engage our children intellectually, spiritually and physically. We are unashamedly Christian and ‘Truth’ is the foremost of our core values. We believe that it is of priority to tell our children, our parents and ourselves the truth irrespective of the cost to our ‘brand-image’. It is for the cause of truth and service that we have made our fees.


Age Children admitted into our nursery and primary section must be above the age of 1 and 4 respectively

Health: Pupils would be required to submit medical report showing the state of their vitals and Parents are encouraged to be very sincere as it relates to recurring illnesses a child might have

ur curriculum is structured in accordance with the National Curriculum for Basic Education but also tailored Ito prepare our children for the very malleable and advancing. 21 century world The curriculum provides the children to engage and explore within the boundaries and guidance of our qualified staff.

The subjects offered at our school include, English, Mathematics, Elementary Science Socio-Civic, Bible Knowledge, Pre-Vocational Moral Instruction, Igbo, Yoruba, French, Vocational Aptitude Creative and Cultural Arts, Physical Health Education, Computer Studies and Handwriting.

All our teachers adopt a pupil-centred approach that is aimed at engaging our children intellectually, socially, physically, and spiritually We are a learning organisation and we are committed to continuous training and development of our teaching and non-teaching staff. We encourage our teachers to ignite the creativity and imagination of our pupils, then stand back and be amazed

We believe that children learn best in an atmosphere of trust, discipline, hard-work and recognition. Thus, each lesson culminates in relevant activity, sometimes group-based in order to teach and foster interpersonal skills and team-spirit